As easily understandable by the name these card are issued to the person who had already paid a certain amount to make calls. All these call are basically for local area and their rates are low in this regard. All you have to decide the amount you can afford to recharge these prepaid phone cards.
These prepaid cards come with a wonderful fact it conceal the identity of the buyer because the cards are in active condition when they are bought by the buyer. Those who like to enjoy the complete anonymity select these cards.
The cost routing system used in these cards operators offer least cost routing and lower overheads than the larger telephone operators. This creates competition among various prepaid call service providers and best part of it the consumer is the ultimate beneficiary in this process. Logically speaking these cards are introduced for the convenience of the user. The fee deductions in these cards are in accordance with the connection fee, period of connection, surcharges and any maintenance charges associated with the phone card. This has to be taken in to account while buying these cards you have to avoid any kind of hidden cost which do not facilitate any service to you or benefit in terms of services.
Be a smart customer and run rules according to your game plan. Do not fall for lucrative offers posted on sights as well as the advertisement showing you the benefit you access through a certain prepaid card. Calling card give connectivity for your betterment so use it for your betterment and make sure that these prepaid card give you the level usage you need to get in your limited means. Do not give them a chance to burden your pocket for their financial gains.